
The positive impact of Koning Bamboe on the earth

The positive impact of Koning Bamboe on the earth

Every piece of plastic we avoid and every tree we can save from deforestation counts. Your daily decisions matter and affect our environment.

The positive impact of Koning Bamboe on the earth

Our bamboo products are meant to make the world a little bit better. Now of course we can do much more for the world and the people who live on it. Fortunately we do and on this page we like to show what we are doing!

Do you want to improve the world? Help us make it happen!

Wiping out plastic from the world stage

Our main mission is of course to reduce environmentally harmful substances/products. The biggest enemy of this is plastic.

By incorporating bamboo into all of our products and offering these products as an alternative to plastic, we have been able to prevent a lot of plastic consumption. In total, through the sale of our bamboo products, we have been able to replace and erase 160 tons of plastic.

This plastic has remained outside the environment and has not been produced. A real boost for the planet!

Saving and planting trees

In addition to eliminating plastic products as much as possible, we also try to reduce wooden products. Not so much because wood is very harmful to the environment or that the processing process emits harmful substances, but because of the trees.

Unfortunately, a lot of wood is still cut down and used for production today. The 'lungs of the earth' are getting smaller and smaller, and this is also very worrying for humans. Trees provide our oxygen, purified water and reduce the greenhouse effect.

Moreover, we also love nature and the biodiversity that trees provide. Trees are responsible for the habitat of more than 80% of biodiversity.

Together with 5Five and Good & Mojo, we have ensured that 1688 trees have been planted back. Our goal is to plant even more trees by 2022 and thus contribute to the rebuilding of 'the lungs of the earth'. Because every tree adds something to our world.

You can make a donation through the website of whereby trees are planted. You can also place an order in our webshop to have a tree planted. We make sure that part of the turnover goes to planting trees.

Support for children in Africa

With bamboo we focus very much on the preservation of the planet and the living environment of humans. Only, there are also plenty of people who need our support, such as many children in parts of Africa.

For this reason we have been working together with Gopandoo since 2017 Hereby we donate part of our proceeds to the many children who can use all the help they can get.

We hope with these donations to give the 500+ children in Africa a better future perspective. And we would love it if more people would want to help. Do you want to help? Check out the website of or order your sustainable bamboo products here and let us donate for you!

Co-2 neutral households

The basis of our products is, as much as possible Co-2 neutral, but this applies to more than just our products. The entire production process and transportation we try to make and keep as Co-2 friendly.

We consciously work together with parties who have focused on this. We try to reduce transport as much as possible and work a lot with electricity and energy.

Annually we save about 1500,00 Co-2 emissions here. Our goal is to have increased this saving by 30% by 2025.

We try with Koning Bamboe to have as positive an impact on the planet as possible. Here we think not only about the climate, but also about biodiversity, inhabitants of the planet and the pollution of habitats.

Do you want to contribute to a 'better' world just like us? Check out, like more than 200,000 visitors before you, the alternatives made from bamboo or directly support one of our partners!

Together to a better and greener world!

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